All over the world Muslims have begun their
holiest month of the year by fasting from dawn until dusk each day, broken each
evening by large, communal meals. The start of Ramadan is earlier each year
because it is calculated based on the sighting of the new moon, which begins
the Muslim lunar month. Muslims use the time to reevaluate their lives through
the scope of Islamic doctrine. -- Lloyd Young

Palestinian reads from the Koran during the dawn prayer on the first
day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan at a mosque in the West Bank
city of Jenin on July 20. Muslims from Morocco to Afghanistan are
steeling themselves for the toughest Ramadan in more than three decades
with no food or drink, not even a sip of water, for 14 hours a day
during the hottest time of the year. (Mohammed Ballas/Associated Press)
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Palestinian reads from the Koran during the dawn prayer on the first
day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan at a mosque in the West Bank
city of Jenin on July 20. Muslims from Morocco to Afghanistan are
steeling themselves for the toughest Ramadan in more than three decades
with no food or drink, not even a sip of water, for 14 hours a day
during the hottest time of the year. (Mohammed Ballas/Associated Press)
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women pray at the shrine of Saint Qassem on the first day of the Muslim
holy fasting month of Ramadan in northern Tehran, Iran, on July 21.
Over a billion Muslims around the world have begun observing the holy
month of Ramadan, expected to abstain during daylight hours from food,
drink and smoking to focus on spirituality. Ramadan starts with the
sighting of the new moon, but it varies because Muslim countries and
groups use different ways of calculating when the new moon crescent is
sighted. (Vahid Salemi/Associated Press) # - See more at:
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